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6 Months

About the Course

This program will provide an in-depth view of aromatherapy designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to become proficient aromatherapists. Through lectures, assignments, labs, case studies, practicals and discussions, students will be shown the practical application of aromatherapy and in which ways it can help the body from pain, tension and stress. Students will understand how different blending techniques and oils can impact different ailments all throughout the body, as well as how those oils can be utilized for long- term relief. Energy cues, markings on the body and illnesses and diseases will also be explored to show how essential oils and other principles in aromatic medicine can be used. Aromatherapy is a natural healing science that has long-lasting benefits for people of any age that are suffering from pain, stress or blockages. 

These classes will be instructive, fun, practical, but we hope you find it engaging and useful to advance or start your career. This program is designed to be both an advancement to your already established career, or to give you a start into a career of holistic health. Understanding the inner workings of the body and how all the body is linked through various acupoints and energy, students will be able to help their clients achieve longer lasting relief. 

Required Courses

ANAT119 - Anatomy for Holistic Practitioners
AROM101 - Oils and Carriers
AROM105 - Aromatherapy Massage
AROM 130 - Aromatic Medicine
AROM 161 - Research in Aromatherapy
AROM201 - Oil Blending
AROM300 - Aromatherapy Lab
MRDN 121 - Eastern Medicine

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